Thursday, March 15, 2012

ANOTHER CURVE BALL! (a post from Nora)

Jess and I were up at the crack o' dawn for an early morning training session with Zach, meaning that we left Striking Beauties at 9 last night and arrived back by at least 6 this morning (Jess was there sometime earlier for a run - what a nut!).  I'm beginning the post on this note because it is possible that this lack of sleep and abundance of boxing is making me grouchy.  I could also be extra irritable because I have a face full of Novocain and fresh fillings which means I can't eat anything.

BUT the worst part is that we have been thrown another curve ball- this time it's a curve ball for Jess!!!  As we mentioned earlier, an important part of Haymakers training is that we meet our opponents midway through the training for a sparring session just to be sure that we are evenly matched.  Originally, this sparring date was set for everyone as March 11th, but Jess's opponent asked to push the date back because of illness. Our camp can be flexible, so the date was moved to March 18th.

All week Jess has been training and preparing for her sparring day on Sunday, not to mention Zach rearranged his work schedule and Jess had to find a babysitter for little Honey Badger (Emmeline).

So then imagine our surprise when this afternoon Jess's opponent asked the H4H camp for another extension.
(I wish I had a confused/exasperated picture of someone saying "WHAT?!??!!" to place right here)

Now, I'm sure this girl is a lovely human being.  She's donating her time and energy into raising money for cancer.  That is wonderful. We have to step into the ring sometime!  It's ok that she's intimidated by this:

We all are!

ANOTHER CURVE BALL (a post from Jessica)

Nora is fired up!!

I was too, but my opponent is working out an injury and we'll spar as soon as possible. I was very disappointed to hear the news today but I was starting to fear I was going to lose the fight itself. We've been assured my opponent is in it for the long haul and there will be sparring in March and a fight in May. That's all I want.

I worked hard this week in preparation for sparring but I'll just carry it over into next week's training. I'm just glad I still have my fight and I can't wait to see all this hard work pay off. I get grouchy from all this training and dieting, too. I even miss my shower! The shower at the gym is nice but I miss my non-travel sized products and my own hair dryer.

Let's just keep training!


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