Tomorrow night one of our boxing heroes and friend, Jaime Clampitt, is hosting a night of amateur fights to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The event is called Boxing for Blood Cancers and it is dedicated to one of Jaime's friends who is a Leukemia survivor.
High quality photo here! |
Not only is this an important event for Jaime, and a great cause in general, it is also showcasing many of our friends and fellow training partners.
Striking Beauties owner, Dena, will be fighting Jeanine (a friend of the gym) in a Lawyer vs Doctor match-up (also referred to as the fight of the little people! These ladies are 110 lbs and under!)
Dena, seen here with her gorgeous daughter, Ali.
Oh, and what do you know?! Another photo by unofficial blog photog Jen O!!! |
This is going to be a great match-up! Although we're friends of Jeanine's we have to say....GO DENA!!!
Tomorrow night will also be the big return of
TMZ!!!!!! TMZ is an old term that used to be thrown around the gym quite frequently and stands for Team Marcin and Zach. They had customized tee shirts and a fan base, it was a whole big thing.
Then, unfortunately for Zach, Marcin went away to become a state trooper and Zach reverted to his natural state. A lover, not a fighter.
However, tomorrow night BOTH gentlemen will be returning to the ring! We're really excited to see both of them get back in there! Zach should also get an extra shout-out because he's fighting AND working the corner for a number of our fighters. The man is multi-talented, what can we say?
And finally, our fellow Striking Beauties Shelly, Janice, and Becca will be facing off against many of the girls we've been sparring with at Balletto's for the last few weeks- Heather, Gina, and Cynthia. Everyone has been working really hard- we're actually excited to just sit this one out and watch how it all plays out!
The Sunday night sparring crew minus Jess because stupid graduate school got in the way! |
Now, I'll be honest- my goal was to photoshop Jess into the picture above, but sadly I lack the photoshop skills and tools. Just imagine you see her in there somewhere looking really tough. Like this:
SO tomorrow night- fights start at 8. Come watch our friends beat people up and raise money for Blood Cancers. And catch a glimpse of TMZ. Totally worth it.